Thursday, September 3, 2020

Command economy essays

Order economy expositions The Command Economy is a framework wherein laborers are inspired to add to The people group intrigue as opposed to attempting to advance personal circumstance. It is where Government for the most part chooses what and the amount to create how it will be delivered, and who will get them. That is by open responsibility for property assets and financial dynamic procedure through midway arranged economy. For instance, every single significant choice concerning the degree of asset use, the conveyance of yield and salary, and the association of yield are coordinated and controlled by the focal arranging leading body of the legislature. Motivators under this framework will in general yield in a wasteful utilization of assets. In the order Economy Decisions are made about what to deliver, Where to create it, who produces it, who will be qualified to buy it, how much and How to deliver and what to charge. Progressing in the direction of a shared objective, in principle the activity is adjusted to fit the requirements of the specialist. State responsibility for property takes into account control of assets including human work. Focal proprietorship will expand t he aggregate great utilization of that land. Where private proprietorship is permitted it is confined and optional to the normal land. A gathering of monetary specialists study the economy and prescribes creation needs and focuses to the overseeing body. Creation and as far as anyone knows utilization are to anticipated far into what's to come. Certain parts of the economy can be permitted to endure all together that a country may make arranged development in different territories. The entirety of this Means Strong control of the economy Individual wishes are optional the eventual benefits of society are of standard significance. The nations which follow order economy otherwise called communism are Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea. What is delivered and what every individual does depends on the movement inside the market. Purchasers and venders choose for themselves what products and ventures will be created. People decid ... <!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Relationship Between Sharia Law and International Commercial Dissertation

The Relationship Between Sharia Law and International Commercial Arbitration - Dissertation Example apportion. Procedural issues, for example, access to equity, administration of procedure, principles of reasonable preliminary, proof, freedom and fair-mindedness of judges, joinder, mediation and solidification, classification of the arbitral procedures, arbitral interval measures, necessities for an arbitral honor. Considerable issues including the benefits of the question, for example, the utilization of uniform law and obligatory guidelines. Acknowledgment of earlier or mediating court decisions/arbitral honors that might be perceived as res judicata and comparable issues.4 Overall, the focal discussion in settling issues about the benefits of a contest rotates about whether referees can or ought to depend upon the general standards of law rather than the lawful arrangement of any one State. The discussion picks up noteworthiness when the issue is tended to contrastingly by the general standards of law and the lawful arrangement of the state, and debate exists in how much the con flicting standards of sway and pacta sunt servanda ought to apply. b) Source of general standards of law in global business discretion The expression ‘general standards of law’ passes on the impression of a lot of rules suddenly showed up at by universal specialists; reality, nonetheless, is that they are rules grounded in national legitimate frameworks. It must be explained that the general standards of worldwide law are not generally relevant in all circumstances. In those examples that the gatherings have specified in their understanding their decision of law or decides of law that is to oversee their relationship, there is no case when general standards of law will apply. Referees will undoubtedly regard the decision of the gatherings. Coming up next are the more mainstream ICA rules as indicated by organization: I) International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Convention, Regulations and Rules ii) ICSID Additional Facility Rules iii) London Cou rt of International Arbitration (LCIA) Arbitration Rules iv) International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Dispute Resolution Rules v) (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Arbitration Rules vi) Permanent Court of Arbitration Rules vii) American Arbitration Association (AAA) International Arbitration Rules viii) International Bar Association (IBA) Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration 2) Islam and its Legal System an) Overview of Sharia The word â€Å"Shari’a† is Arabic for â€Å"the path† or â€Å"the way,†5 or all the more engagingly, â€Å"a way or route to a water opening in the desert.†6 The more non-literal significance would be the way Allah or God had assigned for mankind to follow in

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mental health ( paramedic ) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Psychological wellness ( paramedic ) - Case Study Example In this contemporary condition, individuals are esteemed to be locked in with their every day work because of which they have least time to deal with their wellbeing (Simpson and et. al., 2010; 127-139). Nonetheless, during the time spent gathering their expert and individual commitment, they gain bunches of conduct and mental pressure, which further outcome in extreme wellbeing intricacy. The expanding number of interminable wellbeing issue mirrors an away from of the contemporary society with respect to wellbeing and prosperity. Logically, this specific article gives an elaborative conversation about a specific case that is applicable to human services complexity of any person. Besides, the gave case will be examined extravagantly by giving the realities and conspicuous components that are responsible for such antagonistic wellbeing condition. A multi year old female with wellbeing confusion of brevity of breath has been dispatched from college on a specific day. During her wellbeing intricacy, University speakers and her colleagues have helped her to an emergency vehicle. She griped about issues identifying with queasy and absence of solidarity, which was likely attributable to the angle that she had little rest for as far back as not many weeks. In such manner, she had visited the nearby specialist around multiple times throughout the previous scarcely any weeks. The neighborhood specialist has directed clinical tests, for example, blood check up, X-beam and ultra sound. While she was anticipating for the report of the test, her disease was progressively serious because of retching, shortcoming, dozing issues and expanding issues of shy of breath among others. She was additionally unfit to direct her every day work that incorporates heading off to the college, nearby bar and joining her music band among others. She start ed to crumble as far as wellbeing both intellectually and genuinely with time. The case for the most part featured a portion of the realities pertinent to the wellbeing confusions of a multi year old woman. It

Political and Economic Risk for Brasil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Political and Economic Risk for Brasil - Essay Example With respect to monetary changes they are considered very hazardous, as expressed in Brazil has been a rollercoaster for financial specialists of late. President Luis Inacio da Silva's legislature is involved in a debasement outrage, with allegations of taking hush-money in return for administrative help (Kollmeyer 2). Luiz Incio Lula da Silva was chosen for the situation of President in 2002. In the wake of being chosen Lula changed a considerable lot of his underlying plans with respect to retirement, tributary and work. These progressions didn't turn out easily with certain individuals from his bureau and brought about additional pressure. The President trusts one the principle issues residents in Brazil face is hunger and has conceived an arrangement to scatter cash to oppressed residents. Despite the fact that this demonstration was certain numerous residents accepted this was not the most significant issue that Lula could have burned through cash on. One of the most announced embarrassments in Brazil happened when Brazilian Labor Party part Roberto Jefferson conceded he offered pay-offs to advance the presidential crusade (Wikipedia). As indicated by the BBC news, in light of a review of 78 firms led in 2003, found that simply over half had been requested pay-offs by authorities liable for ch arge assortment. The overview additionally found that more than 66% of the organizations conceded spending up to 3% of their yearly incomes on paying off officialdom, the rest spent more than that. This issue is halfway in light of the fact that the Brazilian administration has consistently urged an adaptable rule to the principles (Plummer). In spite of the fact that the president's evaluations faltered for a piece, they are currently up again and he is anticipated to have the option to win the up and coming political race. As per the Political Risk Yearbook Lula has found a way to authorize social development and yet will be harmed as he attempts to keep up approaches for outside venture. PRY additionally feels that Lula has deliberately slowed down some serious issues like obligation and that will turn up at ground zero when races come around as different up-and-comers will have the option to feature these shortcomings. With slowing down these financial issues, it makes outside merchants tired to contribute and will cause development rates to be lower than anticipated. In spite of the fact that the exchange surplus was sound in the previous years the import costs have risen and along these lines caused an emptying in the fare development. This will cause a shortage throughout the year and by 2009 the deficiency is relied upon to arrive at 3.3 billion dollars (Political Risk Yearbook 4). Notwithstanding the numerous issues the president will confront come political race time, there is a swelling issue that is as yet predominant in Brazil. In 2003 Brazil had a 13 percent swelling rate which is the fourth most elevated in South America (Political Risk Yearbook 8). In response to Lula's activities individuals have responded and lashed out against their President. At the point when the President vowed to settle families on non-profitable land and didn't finish laborers started to squat or decline to leave the land and work to deliver merchandise for their nation. Albeit a significant number of the vagrants were peaceful they persevered that influenced the

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Dictionary Defeats Dogma

The Dictionary Defeats Dogma The Dictionary Defeats Dogma The Dictionary Defeats Dogma By Mark Nichol Reactions to one of my ongoing posts raised two intriguing related issues: mistaken assumptions about phrases and their starting points, and about semantic terms. To start with, various perusers kept in touch with Daily Writing Tips as of late to educate me that I had incorrectly spelled a word in one of the things in â€Å"35 Fossil Words†: It’s â€Å"just desserts,† not â€Å"just deserts,† to allude to getting what you merit, I was told. However, as I noted in this post a year ago, deserts is usually incorrectly spelled treats in this colloquial expression; years prior (maybe impacted by the name of a pastry shop called Just Desserts), I, as well, had since quite a while ago expected that the last spelling was right. The word, nonetheless, is identified with merit, however aside from incidental utilization of the solitary structure in authoritative reports, it is obscure outside the figure of speech and the expression â€Å"get (one’s) just deserts† and its shortened rendition, â€Å"get (one’s) deserts.† Numerous maxims are likewise misconstrued; another model, additionally recorded in my as of late posted list of fossil words, is â€Å"beck and call.† In a post on my regarded associate Mignon Fogarty’s well known site Quick and Dirty Grammar Tips, various analysts demanded with differently interesting and disturbing vainglory that notwithstanding authoritative etymological documentation of the saying the right expressing is â€Å"beckon call† (what sort of call? a coax call) or â€Å"beck or call† (on the grounds that, truly, for what reason would someone both beck and call?). (Because of Daily Writing Tips guest Roberta for the connection.) The post you’re perusing right currently is proposed not to criticize individuals who misjudge maxim (all things considered, a few sections up, I conceded doing so myself, and I am not inclined to self-deride), yet it is planned to drop a clue to the individuals who may persistently stick to authoritative opinion, determinedly confusing a word or phrase’s source. Numerous components of English are of dubious etymological or grammatical inception, however most are all around verified, and certification is a straightforward matter of looking something into on the web or in print. A guard sticker insight worth heeding: Don’t think all that you think. The related issue is the term â€Å"fossil words.† Some Daily Writing Tips perusers protested that state and to my meaning of such terms as those that â€Å"survive just in segregated usage,† contending that they utilize a few or a large number of the recorded words. (Does that mean, more than one individual asked, that that makes the journalist a fossil?) However, note that the meaning of the main expression, as indicated by the Oxford English Dictionary, is â€Å"A word or other etymological structure saved distinctly in detached districts or in set expressions, maxims, or collocations.† By â€Å"isolated usage,† I implied not â€Å"frequency of use† but rather â€Å"scope of use†; these words are seldom, if at any time, expressed other than as a feature of the colloquial expressions they are related with. When was the last time you utilized bated other than in the articulation â€Å"bated breath,† or grit when it was not gone before by something like â€Å"test your†? In the event that you can tick off the events on your fingertips, you likely have a season go to a Renaissance reasonable. Also, to that I state, â€Å"Huzzah!† Need to improve your English quickly a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Spelling classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:Passed versus PastHang, Hung, HangedHonorary versus Honourary

How to Use Wordpress for Business Purposes

How to Use Wordpress for Business Purposes If you are looking to incorporate blogging into your marketing mix, look no further than WordPress. WordPress is the world’s most popular blogging platform, supporting approximately 19% of the world’s blogs and websites as of 2014. It is not only the most well-known brand in the blogosphere; it has grown to become one of the most popular website content management systems in use today.WordPress was founded in 2003 by web developers Mike Mullenweg and Mike Little. It began as a fork â€" an independently developed project built from the source code of an existing software package (in this case, a blogging project known as b2/cafelog). The following year, WordPress rapidly gained users and contributing developers after the main competing blogging software at the time, Moveable Type, increased its prices. In subsequent years, the functionality and flexibility of WordPress grew, as did its user base. As of February 2014 â€" 11 years after its creation â€" WordPress supported 74.6 mill ion sites, six new posts were made per second, and 22% of new registered domains in the U.S. were through WordPress. © | denniznIn this article, we will look at, 1) purpose of WordPress, 2) benefits of WordPress, 3) how to setup a WordPress account, 4) using WordPress for business blogs, 5) SEO, 6) terms specific to WordPress, 7) vs., and 8) case study: Marriott International.PURPOSE OF WORDPRESSWordPress is an open-source blogging platform and content management system (CMS). It was originally designed as a blogging software package, but its functionality makes it attractive to web developers as a CMS for personal and professional websites. It can be used as either, and many major brands, such as Samsung, Yahoo, PlayStation, General Electric, and Forbes, use WordPress to power their corporate websites.WordPress Tutorial 1: An Introduction BENEFITS OF  WORDPRESSThere are many benefits to blogging in general and using WordPress in particular. If you are an entrepreneur, you may wonder why you would spend time blogging to begin with. There are a number of reasons:A regularly updated blog with insightful content can help raise the profile of your leadership team and brand them as influencers in your industry. It establishes you and your firm as an authority in your industry, especially if the media, other bloggers, and social media influencers share your content.A staff-authored blog can help build or strengthen a personal connection your customers have with your brand.A blog can broaden your reach. The blogging ecosphere can spread your content beyond your target market. WordPress blogs also are easy to search engine optimize, and can enhance your overall visibility in search results.Blogging drives traffic to your other digital assets, most notably your website.You can generate leads through your blogs. You can capture potential customer info by offering free incentives in exchange for contact informationNow consider the benefits of blogging using WordPress:WordPress is massively customizable and can be configured to fit your marke ting vision and business needs.It is easy for a single user or multiple users to add new and/or update existing content; it is also easy to integrate social media to increase the reach of said content.You can monetize your blog by integrating an ad-serving platform like Google AdSense.As an open source package, there is a significant amount of product support, from online resources to user forums to WordCamp unconferences (conferences for WordPress web developers). There is also continuous development of new features in the form of Themes, Plugins and more.HOW TO SET UP A  WORDPRESS ACCOUNT © WordPressFor the purposes of a business blog, you will want to set up your account on, rather than (we will cover the difference between the two later in this blog). You can easily do this by visiting and selecting the domain name at which you would like your blog to reside. You will then be prompted for an email address, username, and password and be offered the option to purchase the domain name you have opted if it is available. You will also be shown a list of free or paid options. The WordPress for Business option, which costs $299.00 per year (as of July 2014) affords you an unlimited choice of Themes, file storage space, and e-commerce tools, along with a free domain name. Select this option, enter your payment details, and get ready to launch your blog!Choose a WordPress themeOnce you have your basic WordPress account set up, and logged in, select the Dashboard link. Your Dashboard allows you to control all areas of y our blog, including its look and features. The first thing you may want to do is determine the appearance of your blog. In the left-hand menu, select “Appearance” and then “Themes.” This takes you to a library of different Themes â€" software packages that control the appearance of your blog. You can choose one of the many themes offered by WordPress for free. The company also allows web developers the opportunity to sell Themes they have developed to you and other WordPress users. Many of these themes incorporate different aesthetics and functionality then basic WordPress themes. When browsing Themes, you can select “Preview” to see how a particular theme would look applied to your site. Once you have a preferred Theme in mind, click “Activate,” and the Theme will automatically be applied to your blog. You can change Themes at any time but once you have begun to upload content (and especially customizing your Theme), changing it may affect how your content appears.C ustomize your ThemeUnder “Appearance” and “Themes,” select “Customize” to modify your Theme further to your firm’s specifications. For example, your preferred Theme may not have your firm’s colors. Here, you can change them. You can also modify the theme’s widgets â€" software components that users see and interact with, such as a form or calendar. Please note that customization at this level is through a WYSIWYG editor. Deeper customization requires knowledge of PHP and CSS.Add UsersManaging a corporate blog can be difficult for a single user. WordPress allows you to provide other individuals with the ability to access your blog. You can assign them one of five roles Follower, Contributor, Author, Editor, or Administrator. Each role carries a different level of access to your blog, with a Follower having the least access and an Administrator having as many privileges as you. You grant people user roles by entering their email address into the form that appears on the “Invite New Users to Your Blog” (accessed by selecting “Users” and then “Invite New” below it.Customize Your Blogs SettingsThe “Settings” menu contains many important items to configure. For example, how many items should appear on your main page at most? Should search engines be allowed to index your site? What should be the default size for images you upload? It is worth selecting “Settings” and running through each submenu to ensure that your blog functions exactly as you intend.USING WORDPRESS FOR BUSINESS BLOGSOnce you have configured your blog’s functionality, customized it, and familiarized yourself with the back-end, you are ready to get started. You could launch your blog by drafting a post about the first thing that occurs to you. However, that would be a mistake. Too often would-be bloggers post as ideas occur to them and struggle with uneven output. Or they struggle to keep a regular schedule of posts, lose their passion for the process, and th eir content suffers. To ensure consistent compelling content appears on your blog, it is critical that you start with a content strategy.Creating content strategyA content strategy is simply a plan that outlines for a particular publication how you will obtain content, what kind of content you will obtain, and when it will be published. In a business context, this should always be aligned with the firm’s broader strategic marketing goals, and should incorporate an analysis of existing data and metrics. For example, if the primary objective of a particular marketing department is to generate sales leads for the sales department, then a blog’s content strategy might provide daily or weekly free incentives, available only to blog readers who provide their contact information via an online form.The first part of your content strategy should include how you will create your blog content.Creating contentThere are a number of ways to create for your blog including writing it yourself, curating content from the web, and outsourcing content.Writing YourselfWriting content yourself is usually the first option you will consider. No one knows your firm, and perhaps your area of expertise, better than you do. However, writing the content yourself can also be tremendously time-consuming. When blogging for business, you are usually not just writing. You are paying attention to keywords and phrases that are trending, you are framing your content, â€" text, picture, and video, in such a way to increase search engine visibility, and you are considering how sharable your post is across social media. If you do opt to create the content yourself, it is even more imperative that you create an editorial calendar as part of your content strategy and determine, as much in advance as possible exactly what blog posts will be published when. One advantage of WordPress is that it allows you to schedule when content will be published to your blog in advance. Create drafts of blog posts based on planned events, product launches, holidays, and other events that are known in advance. You can then tweak them to ensure that they are still accurate near the date of occurrence.CuratingAnother strategy is to curate content. You can select content online and reblog it easily through sharing buttons on the content itself or through specific WordPress plugins. You can reblog as is or add a short opinion on the content yourself. By regularly scanning the web for compelling content and posting about it quickly, you can take advantage of the web traffic garnered by trending topics and viral stories and direct it to your blog.OutsourcingYou can also outsource your content’s creation to a freelancer, a content creation company, or a full-blown marketing firm. There are many options available to an entrepreneur who does not have the time to post their insights every day.Sharing contentYou want to make sure that your content is shared automatically across your other digital asse ts, such as your corporate website and social media accounts. This will drive traffic to your blog and help you achieve the marketing goal(s) your blog was designed to achieve.Other social media platformsSelecting “Sharing” under “Settings” in the Dashboard allows you to link your social media accounts to your WordPress blog. Once connected, your blog posts will automatically be shared with your social media accounts. WordPress also offers you the capability to add share buttons under each post to ensure that blog readers who like your posts can share your content across their social media accounts. This will help you broaden your reach and increase your visibility.Networking websitesFrom the “Sharing” link in your Dashboard, your content can also be connected to LinkedIn, which is critical. LinkedIn is the network for industry professionals and industry thought leaders. Ensuring your content appears here will help you establish credibility. However, do not stop at Linke dIn. Look into sharing your content with other similar networks like Entrepreneur Connect or CoFoundr. The wider you distribute your content, the more youll extend your visibility, grow your blog audience, and establish credibility.SEOWhen you have designed and launched your blog, have started gaining traffic and engagement, and begun to gain some recognition among your corporate peers, you may notice that you now appear higher in search results. Why is this? First, your blog helps to rank higher SERPS and hence should be bringing traffic not just to itself but also to your website. While search engine algorithms remain a closely guarded secret, high levels of traffic undoubtedly play a significant factor. A blog also provides a mechanism for creating fresh content and inbound links, which also help improve SEO.Matt Cutts From Google On WordPress and SEO TERMS SPECIFIC TO WORDPRESSThere are a number of key terms, specific to WordPress that you should know before setting up your Word Press blog. Among them:Gravatar â€" stands for “globally recognized avatar,” both a series of graphic avatars and the WordPress affiliated service that provides themPHP â€" stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, and is the programming language in which WordPress is writtenPlugin â€" a bit of software code unique to WordPress that provides extra functionalityTheme â€" a software package that determines the appearance of a program, in this case a WordPress blogA more comprehensive list of WordPress terminology can be found here.WORDPRESS.ORG vs. WORDPRESS.COMWordPress offers two versions of its blogging software, one through, which you can link to your own website. The other is a free software installation through that you must host either on your server, or on that of a web-hosting company. The advantage of this version is that you can manage every aspect of the site â€" more so than the version. The disadvantage is that a deep level of custo mization requires technical expertise, which you may not have in-house. The self-hosted version is likely better for firms wishing to use WordPress as a content management system for their corporate website and thusly needing a high degree of customization. However, for a straightforward business blog, the .com version of WordPress is best. © WordPressCASE STUDY:  MARRIOTT INTERNATIONALThere are a number of great business blogs out there. One that has garnered industry praise is the Marriott International’s blog, written by Bill Marriott, Chairman and CEO of the firm.In it, he shares his business insights, as well as personal stories. His readers are able to interact with him, deepening their connection with the brand, and, through social media share buttons, spread his words of wisdom. The WordPress powered blog integrates e-commerce functionality, YouTube videos, social media sharing buttons, and regular, compelling content. It is a great example of the flexibility of the platform and the potential of blogging for business.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Number of Sexual Assaults in Today’s Army Continue to Rise - Free Essay Example

Sexual assault in today’s Army is an epidemic that have to be minimized without fail. According to the DOD’s SAPRO reports sexual assault have increased by 138% since FY07. These increases are due to things like more comfortable reporting options for victims, lack of respect among the ranks and women being introduced into previously male dominated combat MOS’s. Sexual assault occurs due to lack of respect and discipline among troops. Even though soldiers are taught these values from day one of enlistment, some either forget their training or completely ignore it. A paper submitted to the command and staff college by Major Wendy Brinson identifies lack of respect for peer in the ranks is one of the main causes for sexual assaults, though not the sole contributor. In the last couple of years, the military has made great strides with the increase of training for all service members. Which, in turn lowers the chances for sexual assault. However, with the implementation of programs, case numbers grow from ease of reporting. Other contributing factors to sexual assaults are women being introduced into male dominated combat MOS’s. Evidence of this is shown again in the DOD’s SAPRO reports where sexual assault cases jumped from 6083 to 6769 from FY16, when the ban on women in combat was lifted. This, along with the programs being put into place in the Army that make reporting more comfortable cause the statistical number of sexual assault cases to continually climb. Ending sexual assault in the military will require continual evaluation and improvement of the Army’s SHARP program. However, this alone will not end this epidemic. Service members themselves must improve discipline, along with education of the matter and hold each other accountable for actions contributing to the environment that allows sexual assaults to occur. To summarize, there is not just one factor contributing to the climbing numbers of sexual assault. Things such as the lack of discipline and respect among the ranks, women being introduced to combat roles, ease of reporting as well as many other contributing factors, more must be done to slow the constant climb of the statistical number as well as the sexual assaults that go unreported. Works Cited Department of Defense Sexual Assault Program and Response Office Reports It’s All About Respect: The Army’s Problem with Sexual Assault

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Importance Of Endurance In Literature - 1066 Words

As humans, there are many situations that are viewed as difficult or uneasy, but it is how they are dealt with that matters most. Endurance is an ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way. Endurance is used as a noun and comes from the Old French word: endurer, meaning continued existence, an ability to last. Without endurance many would not be able to accomplish goals, make new inventions, or survive through a traumatic event. The cattle industry would not have changed for the better if Temple Grandin had given up. If the Little Rock Nine decided to retreat, there would still be segregated schools. And if all soldiers decided they would just give up instead of fighting, there would not be a†¦show more content†¦However, Temple Grandin was able to find ways around these roadblocks, which lead to her improvements of cattle slaughterhouses. She was able to accomplish her goals even with others getting in her way of making them a reali ty. Temple was able to learn that she needed to believe in herself. After she figured that out, she was able to make some positively jurassic changes to the way cattle is raised and killed. The Little Rock Nine also showed great endurance. The Little Rock Nine was a group of nine African American students who were one of the first to attend an all white school in Arkansas, 1957. These students were extremely brave being as though they dealt with abnormal amounts of bullying within their attendance at Little Rock High. Melba Beals, one of these students states, â€Å"I was being pounded on my arms, my back, and my legs†¦ Their blows hurt so much that my desire to stop the pain and survive overpowered the fear that paralyzed me†. Melba showed that she was able to get through a tough situation by recognizing her goal and her willingness to survive. Melba also had another great moment of survival: â€Å"Flaming paper floated down and landed on my hair and my shoulders... I picked up my books and tossed one upward, I had hit my target†. This is another example of endurance becauseShow MoreRelatedThe Course Of Care And Specific Therapeutic Interventions At A 72 Year Old Female With Relapsing Remitting Ms1101 Words   |  5 PagesCoexisting MS can complicate treatment outcomes and symptom reduction by delaying improvement/worsening symptoms because of the progressive nature of the disease (Lubelski, Bashir). When compared to patients with concomitant conditions in the previous literature, the patient in this case study had MS with coexisting patellar subluxations. 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It is possible to increase the range of motion, strength, and endurance with an early rehabilitation process. Introduction: Superior anterior-posterior lesions (SLAP) of the labrum is a widespread condition with more than 4000 diagnosed lesions per year.1 As mentioned by Zhang, Alan L., et al, surgeons are completingRead MoreThe Use Of Physical Therapy Session After A Slap Surgery Repair Essay1460 Words   |  6 Pagesvisits and increasing the interval of time off between them, patients might be able to return to the previous level of function faster compared with a standard amount of 3 visits per week. It is possible to increase the range of motion, strength, and endurance with an early rehabilitation process. Introduction: Superior anterior-posterior lesions (SLAP) of the labrum is a widespread condition with more than 4000 diagnosed lesions per year.1 As mentioned by Zhang, Alan L., et al, surgeons are completingRead MoreTypes Of Flexibility And Physical Activity1503 Words   |  7 Pagesbrings us back to the question, is flexibility beneficial to physical activity? In this paper, we are going to focus on two different types of flexibility (dynamic and static) and their advantages and disadvantages to physical activity. Literature Review (flexibility) Flexibility makes everyday activities a bit easier. For example, getting out of bed, lifting children, and sweeping the floor all consist of some kind of flexibility. Over time a lack of flexibility can lead to decreased mobilityRead MoreEudora Welty s A Worn Path854 Words   |  4 Pagesgoal. The use of characterization and symbolism creates A Worn Path by representing a strong and significant protagonist, as well as offering a symbolic meaning of life and courage when faced with love. The short story contains many elements of literature, but characterization and symbolism are two that make the story relatable and enjoyable and give off a sense of comfort and empowerment through Phoenix. The element of characterization is evident all throughout A Worn Path. Welty indirectly portraysRead MoreDescription Of A Coat Of Arms1216 Words   |  5 Pagesthese five characteristics: endurance, wisdom, empathy, collaboration and communication. We used an owl as a base to symbolize wisdom. Being a wise nurse not only includes the knowledge learned in class, but also comprises the experience we gain through practice. Thus, wisdom is placed as the base because without knowledge and experience, we cannot provide the care needed. The owl’s wings represent the quality, endurance, as it functions as the owl’s core support. Endurance is an essential quality because

Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Marketing Management Assignment - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1371 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Case study Level High school Did you like this example?   Marketing Management Before 2007, after analyzing its customer base, Fujitsu realized its selling strategies needed to be changed. The customers it was targeting were widely spread and not properly marketed to. This discrepancy in marketing efforts can be measured by the type of efforts exerted by Fujitsu Services Limited. There are several rules of marketing which a company should keep in mind when approaching its customers. However, before identifying these rules, it is important to consider the focus of the marketing efforts. If a company wants to launch a new brand, a more generalized approach would introduce the brand to the world. However, in order to reach a more specific customer base which will eventually be the potential customer base, companies need to pool their resources in understanding how and where to do so. Starting off on the wrong foot, Fujitsu amended by diverting their attention to a private-sector customer base, what they called Sector Mapping. Instead of putting too much effort to bring in few customers, they started capitalizing on larger and more vital opportunities by relationship-building. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Marketing Management Assignment" essay for you Create order The four Ps of marketing are crucial in determining the flow and success of a businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ marketing campaigns. For large corporations such as multinational companies the services should be offered through personalized forums. Assuming the relationships Fujitsu has with its customers is built on trust, it can access the forums and networks which exist inside these corporations and make an impact throughout the different levels of hierarchy. Personal selling has gained massive importance where promotion is concerned. The services should ideally be placed at centers and institutions where Fujitsuà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s customer base largely exists. Another clever placing strategy would involve setting up next to the competitors. Exhibitions or IT Fairs will serve as fruitful placing opportunities for Fujitsu. The remaining two Ps are perceived to be more important in comparison to place and promotion (McDaniel and Hise, 1984). Fujitsu has the luxury to set high prices because it is targeting a considerably well-off consumer base and offering high quality services. Lastly, the overall prod uct should look appealing. In the case of services, customers should be attended to by helpful salespeople. In case of complaints, a hotline should be available at all times with operators speaking at least two languages familiar with the large customer base. Firms try to outdo each other by introducing ideas which were not tapped before. In simpler words, firms try to reach out to consumers and amplify their reach by tapping niche markets. By doing so, they implement the blue-ocean strategy whereby they identify the areas of the industry which are non-existent and not affected by competition (Kim and Mauborgne, 2004). Marketing to a niche will enable Fujitsu to gain competitive advantage over other IT firms in the industry. Another strategy which helps firms in gaining competitive advantage is the red ocean strategy. According to this strategy, all competitors are aware of the rules and compete against each other to gain the largest market share (Lainos, 2011). In this case, Fujitsu has to utilize its marketing mix in such a way that it grabs the largest chunk of the market share. Lastly, a popular strategy which has proved to be an effective tool is Smithà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s market differentiation and segmentation. Using a differentiating feature in their products, firms are able to segment their target consumer markets because they realize their consumers have heterogeneous needs. Fujitsu decided to change its general focus and adopt a more narrow approach. It decided to go for market segmentation. There are different types of segmentation: geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural. According to the article, Fujitsu decided to target large corporations, a strategy which leans toward a mix of geographic and demographic segmentation. The first step involved checking the Forbesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Global 2000 list which is a ranking of the top 2000 public companies. Having pool of 2000 firms that would be able to afford Fujitsuà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s services, they went on to the next step. The next step filtered these firms with respect to expenditures. Those firms that did not have an expenditure of up to  £100 million were excluded. This could be because of the expensive nature of the Fujitsu services. Excluding these firms left Fujitsu with companies which were more likely to be attracted to its services and not irked by the affordability factor. To confirm the list of companies, Fujitsu sought out the assistance of several business directors and managers. Their opinion helped Fujitsu determine the criteria for attracting clients. Lastly, Fujitsu conducted extensive research to explore the criteria and understand what its customers were looking for. In marketing, a firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s microenvironment consists of six stakeholders: customers, competitors, suppliers, shareholders, employees and media. Fujitsuà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s customers are mainly large corporations of different industries. In order to appeal to these, Fujitsu has to cater to their wants and needs and offer on-the-clock customer service. Having a satisfied client base, Fujitsuà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s services will be more in demand as compared to IT services of another company. The question as far as competitors are concerned is whether Fujitsu will offer services and benefits which are not offered by other firms? In order to steer away the organizations Fujitsu needs to build up on its Unique Selling Point (USP). To sustain its position in the market, Fujitsu has to monitor and check the competition, study the techniques being used by other IT firms. Suppliers play a major role in influencing the business. In order to assure excellent services, suppliers need to provide high quality raw materials. Time effectiveness is an important factor as well. Installing systems such as Just-In-Time (JIT) and computerized systems which check raw material shortage, suppliers can help Fujitsu meet unexpected demand. Fujitsu grew because of the vast investments it received. Therefore, shareholders play a vital role in the forming, sustaining and growth of the business. They have the authority to make decisions in favour of the business, usually regarding improving performance to yield more profits. The employees are the backbone of a company. They are responsible for running the business and operating the machines. For Fujitsu, employees have specialized skills which cater to the IT market. If these employees are not trained or developed, it will adversely affect the progress of Fujitsu. Lastly, the media has the power to influence the masses as well as stakeholders which exist in the microenvironment. Actions that Fujitsu takes will either be celebrated or exploited by the media. In other words, where media is concerned, Fujitsu needs to tread carefully as to its dealings on the business and social front. For university students it is imperative to consider several factors which determine the place which suits them. As done by Fujitsu, students tend to make lists and filter universities against the criteria they have developed. These include location, affordability, reputation and the programs available. In essence, it is the marketing of a university which matters the most. The four factors above reflect the marketing mix à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" place, price, promotion and product. There are different modes of marketing which promote different universities. The most popular method which exists through the informal network of students is word of mouth. Those students who are enrolled in universities and alumni will persuade incoming students because they know how the curriculum of their university and are loyal to it. Other than the word of mouth, many universities hold sessions in schools to inform students about their presence in the market and explain the process of application as well as persuade students to choose their programs. The marketing mix of the schools, coupled with various marketing strategies help students to decide which programs suit them best. Although some students select universities based on the amount of extracurricular activities available and whether their friends will be there with them, many students usually rely on the above, more mainstream methods. References Goi, C. (May, 2009) A Review of Marketing Mix: 4Ps or More? [Online] Available from [Accessed: 12th April, 2014] Kim, W., Mauborgne, R. (Oct, 2004) Blue Ocean Strategy. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 12th April, 2014] Lainos, L. (2011) Red Ocean VS Blue Ocean Strategies. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 12th April, 2014] 1

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Person-Centered Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy...

In the 1940s Carl Rogers was well on his way to revolutionizing the state of traditional, directive psychotherapy and pioneering what would soon become the person-centered approach. Although Rogers strayed from the psychological mainstream’s view that therapists drive their clients recovery through such mediums as advice, direction, teaching and interpretation he still believed that the therapist’s role was crucial, and it was their attributes that paved the way to increased awareness and self-directed change. Roger’s initially developed nondirective counseling, which stressed nondirective methods such as reflecting and†¦show more content†¦Roger’s traditional person-centered therapy is perhaps the greatest example of â€Å"talk therapy† as there is not any homework, specific techniques, or behavior to be changed. Instead, the success of the therapy lies in the process and letting clients experience this process as fully as possible. Therefore, it may be surprising that Natalie Roger’s person-centered expressive arts therapy has shifted away from traditional verbal means of expression to more creative means. According to Sommers-Flanagan, through mediums such as movement, drawing, painting, music, writing and improvisation â€Å"clients peel away the layers of defense and find their true nature† (2007). Expressive art therapy is not concerned with the end product (client’s do not create a piece to hang on the wall) but rather the process of using art to delve into a client’s pain, rage, or grief is the goal. Therefore, just as in Roger’s person-centered therapy the process is the focal point but the mediums used are quite different. Through these mediums clients find other ways to go inward, other ways to speak. Like her father’s person-centered therapy, Natalie Roger’s expressive arts therapy is nondirective and lets client’s lead the process and trusts them to find the modalities they can learn from (Sommers-Flanagan, 2007). Since Roger’s person-centered theory lacks specific techniques, another recent trend has been to integrate cognitive-behavioral techniquesShow MoreRelated Person Centered Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 1203 Words   |  5 Pagestoday. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is another popular theory that is used. It emphasizes the present and fixing cognitive distortions that clients may have. However, it too received some arguments against it, such as; treating symptoms and not the underlying cause of an illness. The theories that will be discussed are Carl Roger’s theory of Person Centered Therapy, Aaron Beck’s Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and how they would treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In Person Centered therapyRead MoreCentered Therapy And Cognitive Behavioral Therapy1672 Words   |  7 PagesCentered Therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Etiology of Problems Person-Centered Therapists don’t use standardized diagnostic tools to assess client presenting problems – as a way to avoid the kinds of labels that harm client-therapist relationships and as a way to avoid clumping clients together with others of the same condition. A more important initial goal for Person-Centered Therapists is to ensure that the student or client knows and believes that the therapist sees them all as individualsRead MoreDefinition Of Person Centered Therapy1202 Words   |  5 Pages Person-Centered Theory Kebeh Beyan Walden University Person-centered therapy can be understood as a form of counseling and psychotherapy which puts a particular emphasis on conceptualizing and engaging with people in a deeply valuing and respectful way (Cooper McLeod, 2011). It was also mentioned that Person-centered therapy aims to provide clients with a set of therapeutic conditions in which they can reconnect with their actual, individual experiences and valuing processes, movingRead MoreTheories And Theories Of Counseling1051 Words   |  5 Pagesindividual. Cognitive-Behavior Theory Cognitive-behavioral theories are described as a set of related theories, which have evolved over time. There isn’t real definition of cognitive-behavioral theory. Both theories are tied together by similarities and techniques strategies. Cognitive Behavior theories maintain their role in which cognitions play in behavior and personalities. Cognitive-behavioral techniques target both cognitive and behavioral problems with the use of cognitive and behavioral strategiesRead MorePsychology Methods1267 Words   |  6 Pagesbetween two therapies used in psychology. The approaches are known as the Client-Centered Approach and the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. They are both used daily, world-wide, and can be seen in different ways. In psychology, the use of therapy, approaches, and techniques are used all the time. The client-centered model is all about the clients themselves and the cognitive behavioral therapy relies on direct counseling tools to control and guide the client. C ognitive behavioral therapy is more short-termRead MoreAnalysis Of The One That Caught My Attention And Interest1589 Words   |  7 Pagespresented, the one that caught my attention and interest was that of John, the 24 year old recent college graduate and mechanical engineer. I began our session by inviting John to tell me a little about his concerns and what has bought him into therapy to see me. Though hesitant at first, I positioned myself a little closer to John, sitting directly across from him, conversation style, leaning forward somewhat showing him he had my undivided attention while using direct eye contact, John soon cameRead MoreCurrent Treatment Of Conditions Case Study704 Words   |  3 PagesRehabilitation Counseling: Basics and beyond, by Parker and Patterson, there is an entire chapter dedicated to counseling theories. A few therapies mentioned throughout Chapter 5, Counseling Theories, entail: Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, Person Centered Counseling, and Cognitive Therapy. Rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) is an evidence based therapy in which assists an individual to change their thinking from irrational to rational using the A-B-C model (Parker Patterson, 2012)Read MoreContrasting Psycodynamic, Cognitive Behavioral and Person-Centered Counseling Theories1732 Words   |  7 PagesCounseling is a process that enables a person to sort out issues and reach decisions affecting their life. Often counseling is sought out at times of change or crisis, it need not be so, however, as counseling can also help us at any time of our life† (Woods, 2005). Counseling theories are used by counselors as part of their treatment plan for clients. There are many types of theories that counselors can choose from. These theories are usually hosen based on the client needs and what the counselorRead MoreExamining Effectiveness Of Treatment Strategies Used With Survivors Of Rape1357 Words   |  6 PagesExamining Effectiveness of Treatment Strategi es Used With Survivors of Rape Therapy for survivors of rape is often difficult to obtain. The lack of availability of counselors who specialize in specific trauma treatments, like prolonged exposure and cognitive-processing therapy, as well as lack of insurance and location, are hardships for treatment-seeking individuals. Therefore, it is important to pinpoint the most effective treatments for those who have suffered the trauma of rape. The purposeRead MoreEssay about Contrast Effective Biblical Counseling Concepts1412 Words   |  6 Pagesworldly challenges, a Christian counselor also faces humanistic therapeutic false views of secular therapy. Christian counselors maintain a focal point in guiding people to living a life that is full of spiritual richness and maturity. Yet, secular therapist focuses on self-gratification and self-actualization. As Christian ministry helpers, you must be living by the truth and exemplify a Christ-centered life. Crabb (1977) developed a counseling model that teaches us ho w to develop individualized

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pros and Cons of Cohabitation - 3197 Words

Marissa Treece Theology 20611 11/13/08 Destruction of Marriage Much of today’s practicing adolescent population would argue the accusation false. As a whole, the liberal population would probably concur. But despite their continuously supported â€Å"pros† of premarital cohabitation, it is partly—and largely—responsible for the destruction of marriage as a sacrament and as an institution in America. In the following pages, I will address the sexual ethical issue of cohabitation prior to marriage. While it is clear my standpoint is solidly against this practice, I will analyze multiple facets of position on the issue at hand, including statistical data, theological research, and refined personal dilemmas to portray the issue in a†¦show more content†¦When livng together, as author Ester November states, couples share a â€Å"bonding experience†.[4] Being able to sleep together on a regular basis bring two people close emotionally and hormonally. Sex aside, living together provides a forum for two peopl e to get to know all aspects of each other’s personality. In close quarters, one is expected to see many, if not all types of emotions put forth by the other, and thus learns more about their lover with every experience with them. Many find that through cohabitation, they are living a more responsible existence, under the circumstance that they must also provide and uphold a residence, maturity level, and economic stance acceptable by another person’s standards.[5] The companionship of another person, even if out of a traditional marriage, is bound to instill a sense of self, as well as a heightened awareness of others in a person who is now not only living for themselves, but also an intricate and important part of another’s life. Before one is to completely condescends the practice of cohabitation, situations in which marriage is an unrealistic option must be taken into account. Marriage amongst those below the line of poverty is particularly uncommon, an issu es that has gained political attention and aid. Economic well being is important to consider when contemplating marriage. For many, financial stability is a prerequisite toShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Cohabitation1763 Words   |  8 Pagesadult has now plunged into cohabitation. Does it really matter if you cohabitate before marriage? In finding the answer to this problem, I have come across two articles which help explain the pros and the cons of the question, â€Å"Should couples cohabitate or get married?† The first article is Sliding Versus Deciding: Inertia, the Premarital Cohabitation Effect. When a couple has â€Å"dedication commitment† (Stanley, Rhoades, and Markmann, 503) with each other, cohabitation works for partners. It isRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Cohabitation Before Marriage1563 Words   |  7 PagesThe Pros and Cons of Cohabitation before Marriage Introduction Social scientists have defined cohabitation as a situation where two adults, male and female live together in a relationship that is intimate and non-marital. The two make living arrangements without legal bounds to stay together before getting married. In most of the countries and in this case in the United States, cohabitation is a common feature among the American family life (Stokes Raley, n.d). It has become a typical pathway toRead MoreLiving Together Before Marriage997 Words   |  4 Pages31 months† (Shah). Deciding whether or not to live together before marriage is an important decision to make, and today I would like to inform you about the pros, cons, financial and religious aspects of the topic. Transition: Before making the decision of living together before marriage, you first need to know the pros. II. Topic #1: Pros living together include: A. First: You get to learn more about your partner before you commit to marriage.   1. Few things will strengthen your bond like experiencingRead Moreterm paper about living together before marriage1464 Words   |  6 Pagessentiment. In generation past, marriage and living together forever are a last destination of love. However, in recent decades, many couples often living together before marriage and after that they decide to walk down the aisle or not. Pre- marital cohabitation definitely has proximate causes which from objective reason to subjective reason. Besides, living together before marriage also has its benefits and injuries. The last and most important is consequences which leave behind. EveryRead MoreMarriage Vs Cohabitation : Marriage And Cohabitation1055 Words   |  5 PagesMarriage Vs Cohabitation Introduction: The picture of family has changed dramatically in the last fifty years, due to the incline of cohabitation before marriage. Cohabitation is extremely popular and has become quite the trend. When looking at both married and cohabitating couples there are advantages and disadvantages to both, but when one looks at the day to day small things they share some common ground. The Pros of Marriage: The tradition of marriage was intended to keep couples togetherRead MoreMarriage And Cohabitation : Marriage Vs Cohabitation1111 Words   |  5 PagesMarriage Vs Cohabitation The picture of family has changed dramatically in the last fifty years, due to the increase of cohabitation before marriage. Cohabitation is extremely popular and has become quite the trend. When looking at both married and cohabiting couples, there are advantages and disadvantages to both, but when one looks at the day-to-day small things they share some common ground. The Pros of Marriage The tradition of marriage was intended to keep couples together for the rest ofRead MoreCohabitation1285 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Raema Miles ENC1101 (online) T. Thomas 11/22/2014 Word Count: 1131 Cohabitation Before Marriage is it Good or Bad? One significant increase in trends is living together before marriage which has created a new term called: Cohabitation. Cohabitation has become very popular among our society in the United States.   According to the latest data from the CDC, nearly half of American women aged 15-44 have lived with a partner sans wedding ring between 2006-2010, up from just 34 percent of women in 1995Read MoreCohabitation Between Cohabitation And Cohabitation Essay1366 Words   |  6 PagesCohabitation refers to an unmarried couple who live together. Living together before marriage is no longer taboo, instead it has become an accepted and expected milestone of adulthood. Cohabitation isn’t a new phenomenon, in fact it became prevalent in the 1970s due to the sexual revolution and the access of birth control. It has become increasingly prevalent over the past three decades. A total of 4.9 million households consisted of heterosexual cohabiting couples in 2000 (Sassler, 2007). TheRead MoreS inglehood, Hanging Out, Hooking Up, and Cohabitation778 Words   |  4 Pages* Jesus Solorio * Prof. Molly Elchlepp Fassler * Psychology 105 * Monday 19th 2010 * Chapter 5 * * * Singlehood, Hanging Out, Hooking Up, and Cohabitation This chapter focuses on the aspects of singlehood and the â€Å"benefits† of it as well as the downs. The Primary advantages of singlehood are the freedom that is possessed and the control over their own life. Some of the social movements which promoted singlehood are: - The sexual revolution movement: involvedRead MoreCohabitation By Andrew J. Postag81v1 s Article From 2004, The Deinstitutionalization Of American Marriage Essay1487 Words   |  6 PagesOver the past few decades, cohabitation has become more recent for couples and families. Cohabitation is when a couple who is not married is living under the same roof as if they are married. It does not refer to roommates or family members who live together, at least two people have to be in a romantic union for it to count as cohabitation. Cohabiting can be for a variety of different reasons. In the 1990s, around 2.5 million people were cohabiting but as of 2015 about 8.3 million people were

What You Dont Know About New York State Ela Test Essay Samples Could Be Costing to More Than You Think

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Primarily students ought to make sure they answer the question. When all your preparation is completed, the most significant issue is for you and your students to think about what you've achieved and truly feel proud. More comprehensive information was provided for kids in New York by its Department of Education. Again, it's my job to care for them and their learning. How to Get Started with New York State Ela Test Essay Samples? This cannot qualify as the perfect way to assess progress toward standards for young students. The second consideration to remember is that middle-schoolers come to you with many different testing experiences and test-taking strategies from prior years. Bear in mind the total amount of pressure that the state puts on children since if they don't pass this exam they won't graduate. Contrary to what most people think, opting-out doesn't hurt schools. When constructing your source-based reply and your reading analysis, make certain to stay in mind the cultural and historical contexts where the passages were written . To be a citizen of the Earth, it is helpful to have a comprehension of how fractions work and what they represent, he explained. Goldsmith maintained the significance of accountability. Whispered New York State Ela Test Essay Samples Secrets The registration fee for virtually any exam (but for the superintendent exam) is $82. The content will be different by exam subject. Ok, I Think I Understand New York State Ela Test Essay Samples, Now Tell Me About New York State Ela Test Essay Samples! The exam is going to be administered by every school at a date and time dependent on the state. Receiving your diploma isn't based on all you learn in the classroom. Perhaps they'd go soon. It's possible to watch the video lessons included within this course to get ready for the various kinds of questions which you will encounter on the NY Regents English Language Arts exam. How to Choose New York State Ela Test Essay Samples In the event the notes are good, they need to still have the ability to answer the questions. It's possible for you to assess me all you desire. For a quick response question, you can have students utilize the question to start their answer. Extended response questions need essay-length answers. Choosing New York State Ela Test Essay Samples The precise NYSTCE exams which are required as a way to develop into a certified educator within the New York school system fluctuates depending on the specific sort of position which you're interested in pursuing. Most schools offer some quantity of test prep, information, totally free tutoring and practice work. The trouble with this method is that only a single student at one time is truly involved. It's a test drive for the full school, and it helps us to iron out wrinkles caused by the intricate scheduling. A Secret Weapon for New York State Ela Test Essay Samples One of the enormous goals of the usual Core is to prepare students for real-life reading, in order to engage with text in t he actual world regardless of the genre. The second section has one particular text, for which you're expected to compose a single source-based reaction. Students write the subject of the sentence in addition to each rectangle. They must write in a variety of writing styles, all of which can be adapted through planning and editing techniques. Have a look at our SBAC Practice page to find out more about how your son or daughter can excel through SBAC testing. C. Constant phone usage is a behavior of teens that cannot be changed. Students watch short instructional videos and test their learning with an on-line program. You can concentrate on which one is the very best match. 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Othello 4 Essay Research Paper Othello isn free essay sample

Othello 4 Essay, Research Paper Othello International Relations and Security Network T a drama approximately racism every bit much as it is a drama about jealosy, conflicting values, and the power of suggestion. Some racism is displayed within the drama, but that is merely a contemplation of how most minorities were treated in the clip period when the population in Europe was preponderantly of white tegument colour. This racism was besides merely brought out by fury and choler in some of the characters of Othello, and was non displayed by hatred. Jealosy and the power of suggestion besides played a conducive function in the deceases of Othello and Desdemona, and the pre-meditated secret plan to kill Cassio. Iago s lies led Othello to believe his married woman Desdemona had been rip offing with Cassio, and Othello s jealosy led him to plot Cassio s slaying, and kill his ain married woman. The conflicting values of Othello and Iago were a major cause of Iago s lies. We will write a custom essay sample on Othello 4 Essay Research Paper Othello isn or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Iago had valued a occupation that was non given to him, but instead to Othello. This led Iago to cabal a manner to acquire retaliation on Othello. Iago knew that Othello valued honestness in Desdemona, and he tried to do him believe that she was merely the opposite, unfaithful. The drama Othello was really much about jealosy. Jealosy played a large function in the drama, and was the motivation for Iago to raise up a program to destroy Othello. Iago was resentful because of the fact the Othello had gotten the occupation he wanted, and because of this Iago seeks retaliation on Othello by destroying his life and calling. Iago can non accept that Othello meant no injury to him, and will non rest until he thinks he is even with him. Iago lies to Othello and makes him believe that Othello s married woman Desdemona has been unfaithful to him, and that she has been rip offing with Cassio. Iago states his purposes best when he says: Till I am even # 8217 ; d with him, married woman for married woman, Or neglecting so, yet that I put the Moor At least into a green-eyed monster so strong That judgement can non bring around ( Shakespeare, Act II, Scene I, Lines 291-294 ) Othello at foremost does non believe this, but when Iago brings him alleged cogent evidence this consumes Othello with jealosy and choler. These emotions lead Othello to plot Cassio s slaying and finally kill his married woman because of Iago s lies. The values of Iago and Othello were in a changeless struggle during the drama. Iago represented an evil force, because he used evil agencies to accomplish his ends and what he valued. Othello and Desdemona represented a good force, because they valued good things and were victims of Iago s evil behaviors. Iago valued himself and the occupation that Othello got alternatively of him above all. Othello valued honestness, committedness, and dedication in Desdemona. Iago knew this and hence used Othello s ain values against him. He lied to Othello about Desdemona rip offing with Cassio, and this was a struggle of values between Othello and Desdemona. Othello besides showed how he valued honestness when Iago told him that he had been lying about everything. Othello stabbed Iago, because of his dishonesty and because Othello had killed his married woman without ground. Conflicting values are present throughout the narrative, and are important for secret plan development and deepness of the drama. The power of suggestion was the major subscriber in the tragic deceases of all the characters in Othello. Specifically, the prevarications told by Iago to Othello were the cause of Othello s letdown, choler, and finally led Othello to plot the deceases of Cassio and Desdemona. Lies that were told by Iago to Othello about Desdemona s alleged infidelity were straight influenced by Iago s hankering for retaliation ( because Othello had gotten the occupation he wanted ) , and his desire to win by destructing Othello and his relationship with Desdemona. For illustration, Iago deceives Othello and state his that he sees a relationship developing between Desdemona and Cassio: Were they as premier as caprine animals, every bit hot as monkeys, Equally salt as wolves in pride, and saps as gross As ignorance made rummy. ( Shakespeare, Act III, Scene III, Lines 400-402 ) This and the hankie presented to Othello as grounds by Iago of Desdemona s infidelity falsely persuades Othello into believing that his married woman is truly rip offing with Cassio. Therefore, from the grounds presented here it is evident that the drama Othello is non a drama about racism, at least non rather every bit much as it is a drama about jealosy, conflicting values, and the power of suggestion. It is besides apparent that these three factors mentioned play an of import function in the drama, they make for a more interesting narrative line, and a secret plan with deepness.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Examine the ways in which Shakespeare presents the theme of love in the play A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay Example For Students

Examine the ways in which Shakespeare presents the theme of love in the play A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay On the surface, Shakespeares play, A Midsummer Nights Dream, appears to be a light hearted comedy suffused with the world of poetry and imagination. Nonetheless, there is a more serious issue at the heart of the play, Shakespeares viewpoints on the many guises of love. In the play, we encounter passionate love, unrequited love, blind and doting love and an indication of what true love may be. In this assignment I will be looking at the aspects of love interact with each other. It is not coincidental that the play has four sets of lovers. Two of the couples are mature while two of the couples are young and setting out on their way to find loving and lasting relationships. It is no coincidence therefore that the play begins with Theseus and Hippolyta. They are about to become man and wife. During the course of the play, theirs is the only relationship, which remains intact. As the play progresses we come to understand the quality of their love for each other. In them Shakespeare is trying to demonstrate two people who actually understand love. This is shown by the fact that they purposefully wait for the new moon to get married, instead of rushing into things. The new moon is seen as a new phase. They are saying that they do not wish to rush their nuptial pleasure. Theseus demonstrates his reason and wisdom in the way he deals with Egeuss passionate outpourings. When Egeus is complaining to Theseus about Hermias love for Lysander, Theseus says to Hermia, Take time to pause. At this point he is giving Hermia the opportunity to use reason to come to a conclusion about her predicament. The words are also directed at the other men, who simply full of passion, and blind to common sense. He can see that Egeus is not using reason, and is simply being tempestuous. He is governed by his passion, and therefore cannot rationalise the situation. This can also be said of Lysander and Demetrius. Indeed, he takes Demetrius and Egeus out with him, and says I have some private schooling for you both. Here Theseus is suggesting the Egeus and Demetrius are in the wrong because he uses the word schooling, which means hes going to teach them something. Also, he leaves Lysander with Hermia, which implies he wants them to be with each other. Theseus is the model of reason. He recognises that he won Hippolyta in battle, but he still wishes to win her affection properly. I wooed thee with my sword, And thy love doing injuries thee injuries, But I will wed thee in another key. Here, Theseus is saying that although he realises that he did not win Hippolytas heart, in the conventional sense of the word, he will marry her in the name of love and affection. In stark contrast to the rulers of Shakespeares mortal world, we see the relationship of Oberon and Titania. Some regard their dissension as the fulcrum of the play. In particular, Oberons actions throughout the play help us to understand more acutely, the varied forms of love experienced by the young lovers. Unlike Theseus and Hippolyta, who wish to further their love by getting married, Oberon and Titania seem to be on the brink of splitting up. The argument is over a changeling boy, who has come into Titania possession, and Oberon wants it. Oberon has no real claim to the boy, so he has no reason to ask for it. In Oberon and Titanias argument, act two scene one, they seem to have very different mentalities. On one hand, Oberon is being very unforgiving and obstinate, while Titania is doing her best to be reasonable. She reminds him of the ways in which the mortal world suffers for there schism. The folds stand empty in the drowned field, And the crows are fattened with the murrion flock Here Titania is trying to point out that their quarrelling, is having an adverse effect on the mortal world. Here Hippolyta is saying that the grazing pastures have flooded, and the crows are feeding on the dead sheep. In fact she later goes on to say that the seasons in the mortal world have all changed around. and the mazed world, By their increase, now knows not which is which. Here Titania is saying that now the seasons do not which is which. The world has turned topsy-turvy. Disorder reigns and harmony seems distant. Shakespeare reveals EssayHowever, both Helena and Hermia stay true to their men throughout the play, which suggests that Shakespeare believes that men are more unfaithful when it comes to love than women. Hermia hints at this earlier in the play, when she says By all the vows that men have ever broke, In number more than ever women spoke Hermia is saying here that men have broken more promises than women have ever made, which reinforces Shakespeares implication that men more capricious when it comes to love. Oberons dealings with the lovers, allows him to start using reason, instead of being completely passionate. He is gradually getting his sight back, when before he was blind. He sees the chaos that the lovers are in, and works against time to. He says to Puck, About the wood go swifter than the wind, this shows his urgency of rectifying the situation, because he is telling Puck to go swifter than the wind. By solving the lovers problems, he comes to realize that his own situation, with Titania must be rehabilitated. When he sees Titania with Bottom, he says to Puck, Her dotage now I do begin to pity. This is a sort of self-realization on Oberons behalf, even though he is too proud to admit it. He also chooses to ask Titania for the changeling instead of demanding it. This shows Oberons rehabilitation. In a clever piece of staging, Shakespeare produces an incongruous vision for Oberon, his love, Titania, fondling the ears of an ass. Titania says to bottom, How I love thee, how I dote on thee. This is very ironic because she is actually doting on him, because she has the love juice in her eyes. This sight is so inappropriate, that Oberon now becomes more forgiving. This is similar to the two testaments of the bible. The Old Testament tells of an eye for an eye, while the New Testament was focused on turning the other cheek. When Titania has the love potion taken off her, she says of Bottom, O, how my eyes do loathe his visage. This reinforces the idea of dotage, because only a moment earlier, she was calling Bottom her sweet love. The Queen and King of the Fairies are united, and the world is restored to order. As Oberon regains his sight, we once again see the parallel with Demetrius. When Theseus and Hippolyta find the lovers in the forest, and Egeus demands Lysander to be dealt with, Demetrius steps in and says, my love for Hermia Melted as the snow, seems to me now the remembrance of an idle gaud, Which in my childhood I did dote upon By saying an idle gaud from his childhood, he recognises that his love for Hermia was immature and useless. Also, he uses the word dote, which shows that he now knows that his love for Hermia was purely with his eyes. Demetrius later says, To her my lord, Was I betrothed ere I saw Hermia; But, like a sickness, did I loathe this food; But as in health, come to my natural taste Demetrius realises that when he was doting on Hermia, he blind to his natural taste, and so he hated her. Shakespeare is trying to say that when we fall in love with our eyes, we are blind to who we really love. The final scene may appear to be just a humorous and fitting way to round off the play, but there is actually more to it than what is on the surface. In the last scene, all four tiers of society are present for the wedding. King and Queen, the courtiers, the artisans, and the fairies. This shows harmony, which is the basis of al love. The play within a play allows the lovers to laugh at themselves, because they were very similar to this at the beginning of the play. The outcome of the play shows what happens when love is blind, because Pyramus and Thisby both end up dieing for there love when if they had only used reason, they could of both survived. In conclusion, I believe Shakespeare is saying that love needs a balance of things to work properly. Theseus and Hippolyta are the only ones who have this, and their love is continuous throughout the play. The lovers and the fairy king and queen have this at the end of the play, but they do not at the beginning, their love suffers for it.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Why Was The First Day Of The Battle Of The Somme S Essays - France

Why Was The First Day Of The Battle Of The Somme Such A Disaster? There were many reasons that led to the British tragedy of the Somme including: defective ammunitions for the artillery and the strength of the German trenches. In retrospect, I believe that the most important and effecting factor that led to Britain's failure was the German's strength. The first problem with the Somme was the lack of British experience when manufacturing and using ammunitions. This was a serious problem because the attack relied on mostly the artillery's ammunition destroying the Germans defences. The defective ammunitions were not the only problem though. On the day of the Somme the British military did not have enough trained soldiers to operate the artillery so they had to use untrained and inexperienced men this was to their downfall because for the artillery to work they had to be fired a t precise points which clearly the soldiers would struggle with because they were untrained. Another mistake that the British army made on the first day of the Somme was the fact that they underestimated the Germans. The before the attack the German military had been working had at making sure that their trenches were the best that they could be. They did this by not only building them into specific areas that were naturally reinforced but also made sure that the conditions inside were good for their soldier so that they would be healthy and ready to fight. A third precaution that the Germans took that Britain could not have foreseen was Germany's research into the soldier's helmets. The German military created a helmet that not only was super strong but covered the most essential parts of the wearer's neck saving countless lives. The third cause of Britain's downfall was their attacking pattern. This was such a large factor because the way the British advanced helped the Germans shoot them down easier. Due to the lack of experience of the British military the government tried to create a simple formation that everyone could follow with ease. The tactic was to advance slowly in a straight horizontal line this was such a problem because they just became slow moving lined up targets for the German machine guns to easily shoot down. In conclusion, I think that the most important reason that led to Britain's downfall was the reinforced German trenches. This is because even if the British ammunition was not defective and they had a decent advancing strategy then they would still have been arrived with the task of destroyin g the trenches which would still have been no easy feat.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Who does Shakespeare present as more civilised Ari Essays - Fiction

Who does Shakespeare present as more civilised Ariel or Caliban? By Tommaso Faulkner 7RN In this essay, I will show and describe who I think Shakespeare presents as more civilised in his play The Tempest. The tempest is a play describing how a magician called Prospero is banished from Milan by the king of the Naples and his cousins he escapes to this small island and starts a life there with his daughter and then finds two slaves one of them Caliban and the other one Ariel and they live happily till the king of the Naples and his son Ferdinand come in a galleon Prospero sets Ariel on to them and Ariel summons a massive storm to kill them, the king gets washed ashore with his advisor and Prospero's cousins, and Ferdinand the kings son gets washed ashore on the another part of the island. Both Ferdinand and the king of the Naples believing the other to be dead mourn and Ariel makes Ferdinand's life a misery by singing to him about his father at the bottom of the sea, and Caliban tries to assault Miranda (Prospero's daughter) luckily Prospero stops him. I think that Shakespeare presents Ariel as more civilised because all the times that she does something bad or good it is because of orders from Prosepero for example in act 1 scene 2 Ariel torments Ferdinand about his father's death saying that his eyes will turn to pearls, his bones to coral and he would be sung to hourly by sea nymphs. She uses beautiful language while she sings about his father's body at the bottom of the ocean for example when she says those are pearls that were his eyes' which is talking about his eyes turning into pearls. But actually the subject is about what Ferdinand's fathers body would look like at the bottom of the sea and although it was Ariel that tormented him with her beautiful voice and dreadful song it was Prospero that made her do it ;Ariel didn't want to do it she just wants to be free. I also think that Shakespeare presents Caliban as very uncivilised, for example in act 2 scene2 where he curses Prospero for the way he is treated saying that he abuses him hurting him, letting him get bitten by snakes but this is a lie. He also hopes that Prospero will get hurt. But I do not think that Prospero abuses him and I think that Prospero is treating him fairly because he is not nice to Prospero so why should Prospero be nice to him, Caliban tried to assault Miranda and has no respect. once, he took a sip from a bottle of wine and he was suddenly starting a rebellion to kill Prospero, alcohol doesn't create ideas, Caliban also thinks that the island is his and will do anything to get it back and Caliban is also a rude selfish and mad, he also has anger problems once somebody even annoys him a little bit he will attack them, then he is also dirty and desperate. He is in other words uncivilised. In the extract: act 3 scene 3 Ariel goes to the king of the Naples and Prospero's cousins to punish them for their sins against Prospero, by laying out a delicious banquet while they were starving and even though obviously it is a trap the king his advisor and Prospero's cousins move forward to take some food from the banquet once the king touches a piece the whole banquet disappears and Ariel in the form of a harpy appears cursing them, and telling them that they will die a horrible death, then she torments them with visions of crows attacking them. And the only reason that Ariel does this is because she in a way cares for her master (in a friend way) and feels bad for him being banished from his own homeland so she goes to punish them and personally I think that they deserve it. In act 3 scene 2 Caliban explains to stephano and trinculo how the island is full of beautiful music on their way to kill Prospero and take over the island. And says that when he dreams his

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Overloading While

Overloading While Overloading While Overloading While By Maeve Maddox Because English is blessed with so many subordinating conjunctions, there’s no need to overuse any of them. The conjunction while, for example, tends to pop up in contexts in which a different conjunction may be the better choice. The first and most obvious use of while is as a temporal conjunction to introduce a clause that has something to do with time: While I was sleeping, the cat ate the canary. (Here while means â€Å"during the time that.†) While is used to introduce clauses that express opposition: While she was quite attractive, she believed that she was ugly. (Here while means â€Å"despite the fact that.†) While is also used to introduce a clause that provides a contrast: Mary dressed in princess clothing, while her brother dressed in cowboy costume. It is this use of while that leads to ambiguity. Does the while clause express contrast, or does it express time? The sentence could be interpreted to mean that Mary dressed as a princess during the time that her brother dressed as a cowboy. If contrast is intended, the conjunction whereas would make the meaning clearer. Sometimes while is used as if it were a coordinating conjunction like and, as in this description of a motorcycle: New, soft palm grips provide nice comfort, while broad mirrors are neatly placed for clear rear vision. Here are some â€Å"adversative† conjunctions that you may wish to substitute for while when appropriate: even though although though whereas where Here are some additional temporal conjunctions to use when while is not quite what you want: until after before when since once whenever as soon as as long as by the time Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Useful Stock Phrases for Your Business Emails60 Synonyms for â€Å"Trip†Using "zeitgeist" Coherently

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Filmmaker essays

The Filmmaker essays The art of storytelling has evolved since the dawn of man. It has been mastered by many and taken in all sorts of directions. Stanley Kubrick uses film to tell his stories, and he is arguably one of the best in his field. Kubrick was born in 1928 in New York, but he soon moved to England where he began making films. The process he took to make these three films: The Shining, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange will be examined. Stanley Kubrick released 2001: A Space Odyssey on April 6, 1968 (Hamilton 161). When Kubrick took the project he was quoted as saying, This film is an awakening, this is our future (Lloyd 17). Stanley Kubrick released A Clockwork Orange on December 20, 1971 to mixed public emotions (Hamilton 141). When Kubrick was asked about the violence in the film, he said, I am just reflecting what is in society today (Lloyd 18). Stanley Kubrick released The Shining in May of 1988 (Hamilton 101). Originally written by Stephen King, it was adapted to screenplay by Kubrick, as well as produced and directed. Kubrick believed in having complete control over his films. Kubrick also pulled the film from theatres just days after it was released to the public. He made changes, then put it out again (Sheperd 107). The Shining was shot at a hotel in Oregon for exterior shots, then Kubrick had the crew move to England where they spent almost a year filming the interior shots at Elsetree Studios (Kardish 96). The film is now looked upon as one of the best horror movies made, but if you were to ask Stephen King, he would tell you different. King was asked by Kubrick to help write the screenplay but was soon fired. Kubrick reported that he just wasnt up for the job (Larkin n.p.). King now says it is the worst adaptation to film of any of his books (Sheperd 112). Nevertheless, the film went dow ...

Friday, February 28, 2020

The Digital Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 56

The Digital Age - Essay Example The development of email has profoundly changed modern cultures. As recently as twenty years ago the only means of communicating with other people over great distances was through time-consuming letter writing, or expensive long distance phone calls. The advent of email has greatly shortened means of communication, allowing people to remain in contact with each other for virtually no cost overextended differences. Another major contribution to modern culture is text messaging. While text messaging does not have perhaps the large-scale implications as email, it has contributed to modern culture through allowing a less formal means of communicating. Furthermore, in developing regions where the full-scale Internet is unavailable, it has allowed farmers or laborers to receive much needed daily information and entertainment. A final significant change to modern culture has emerged through social networking. Social networking has affected modern culture by allowing individuals to remain in contact with people they otherwise would never hear from. Similarly, it has allowed people to seek out diverse groups of people with similar interests. In conclusion, this essay has examined the effects of email, texting, and social networking on modern cultures. It’s demonstrated these elements have had a significant impact on modern culture through allowing individuals new forms of communication, and breaking previous barriers to establishing relationships. While many of these technologies are viewed as a sort of past-time.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Correctional Educational Programmes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Correctional Educational Programmes - Essay Example Louis Theroux identifies them as child molesters. Traditionally, incarcerated population has among the lowest levels of educational attainment and literacy in any society. There is an argument in correctional literature that correctional education programmes can break the cycle of reincarceration by providing prisoners with an opportunity to gain skills that are practical in the workplace and the community. From the critical perspective, correctional education programmes act as agents of social change. If they are effective, the programmes can greatly assist inmates with overcoming social pathologies often found in many of the communities in which they come from. There are many barriers that prevent adequate expansion of corrections education programmes. Budget cuts, high staffing costs, programme staff cuts, and poor accountability are just a few (Coley and Barton, 85). A major barrier also rests in ideological views of the role of the criminal justice system. This has resulted in a great divide in ideology: those who favor prison rehabilitation and those who favor punitive measures. Skeptics of rehabilitation often claim that research thus far fails to portray a strong link between educational programmes and post release outcomes. On the other hand, proponents of educational programmes claim that there is an inherent value in educating prisoners, and that the benefits of an education will be realized by inmates upon release and obtainment of work (Coley and Barton, 89). Education in prisons provides many unique advantages to both inmates and prisons. For example, prison education programmes provide an opportunity for the facility to keep inmates occupied and engaged. These programmes also foster improving individual skills by socializing inmates with other inmates and teachers (Mentor, 115). All of these factors can contribute to better levels of order and security within the facility. On the outside, prison education programmes are empirically linked to reduced recidivism rates, and enhanced opportunities to acquire work upon release. Given thousands of inmates are released from prison annually, the role of prison education programmes in reducing recidivism rates and improving social conditions is a vital component of the reentry process (Mentor,